Device information

  • Name: Wireless Sensor Network Educational Kit
    Model: Crossbow
    Num of units: 5
  • Manufacture Year:
    Manufacturer Website:
  • Description: This kit is out-of-the-box wireless sensor networking (WSN) kits that contain pre-integrated, packaged hardware and software, allowing you to evaluate WSN technology more easily. Kits support 433 MHz, 868/900 MHz, and 2.4 GHz/IEEE 802.15.4 operation, and are bundled with mesh networking firmware and MoteView software for capturing, visualizing, and analyzing sensor data and network management. Kits include the basic WSN Starter Kit (2 wireless nodes and a USB base station), the Professional kit (6 sensor nodes, USB base station, and a USB programming board), OEM Design Kit (4 nodes, Ethernet base station, 5 OEM radio/processor modules, USB pod for board programming and debugging, and a USB pod), and the Classroom Kit (WSN hardware for 10 work stations, curriculum development material, and a classroom license).
  • Availability: Available
  • Services

For more info and reservation contact:

  • Lab Staff
  • Prof. Dr. Eman Shaaban
  • 01224458376
  • University Coordinator
  • Dr. Islam Hegazy
  • 01223101116