Device information
Name: ElisaModel: BioTekNum of units: 1
Manufacture Year:
Availability: available
ServicesCostThe enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a very common-robust technique for detecting various analytes. It spawned a broad range of immunoassays that utilize either wash or no-wash workflows using colorimetric-fluorometric-luminometric-TRF or TR-FRET-AlphaScreen and AlphaLISA detection technologies.-
Total Cost0
For more info and reservation contact:
- Lab Person
- Prof. Mohamed Khalil
- 01005111628
- Faculty Coordinator
- ا.د. محمد محمود حمدى
- 001000925351
- University Coordinator
- أ.د. مصطفى فهمي حسنين
- 001228898494