Device information

  • Name: Thermal infrared camera
    Model: ***
    Num of units: 1
  • Manufacture Year:
    Manufacturer Website:
  • Description: Infrared cameras have a variety of biomedical applications, including: 1. Thermography: Infrared cameras can be used to capture images of heat patterns on the body's surface, which can provide information about blood flow, inflammation, and other physiological processes. This technology is commonly used in the diagnosis and monitoring of conditions such as breast cancer, arthritis, and sports injuries. 2. Non-contact temperature measurement: Infrared cameras can be used to measure body temperature without contact, which is particularly useful in situations where close contact might spread disease. This technology is commonly used in airports, hospitals, and other public places to screen for fever and other signs of illness. 3. Surgical guidance: Infrared cameras can be used to guide surgical procedures by providing real-time images of blood flow and other physiological processes. This technology is particularly useful in minimally invasive procedures, where surgeons need to rely on imaging to guide their instruments. 4. Wound assessment: Infrared cameras can be used to assess the healing of wounds by measuring changes in temperature and blood flow. This technology is particularly useful in the treatment of chronic wounds, such as diabetic foot ulcers. Overall, infrared cameras have a wide range of biomedical applications and are an important tool in the diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of many conditions.
  • Availability: available
  • Services

For more info and reservation contact:

  • Lab Staff
  • Dr. Fayrouz Farouk
  • 01126433844
  • University Coordinator
  • Electronics Research Institute
  • 00226252700