Device information

  • Name: Inverted-Microscope + Micrometric Camera
    Model: Olympus CK40-F200
    Num of units: 1
  • Manufacture Year: 0000-00-00
  • Description: provides a turnkey solution for widefield, confocal, and multiphoton imaging. Inverted microscopes are powerful and versatile research tools that can accommodate a range of applications, such as fluorescence, in vivo, ex vivo, 3D, high-resolution, high-speed (video-rate), and live tissue imaging. This platform is designed to meet the needs of labs working in cell biology and other life science applications that require an inverted microscopy platform
  • Availability: available
  • Services

For more info and reservation contact:

  • Lab Staff
  • Dr.Ahmed Mohammed Eldosouky
  • 01153267202
  • Faculty Coordinator
  • Dr.Ahmed Mohammed Eldosouky
  • 001153267202
  • University Coordinator
  • Suez University
  • 001000000000