Device information

  • Name: pH meter
    Model: Model PC 501
    Num of units: 1
  • Manufacture Year: 0000-00-00
    Manufacturer Website:
  • Description: A pH Analyzer or pH meter is an electronic instrument that measures the pH value of a solution to measure acidity or alkalinity. pH can be measured and its value ranges between 0 and 14. Solutions with a pH<7 are acidic, whereas those with a pH>7 are alkaline.
  • Availability: available
  • Services

For more info and reservation contact:

  • Faculty Coordinator
  • د. محمود صبري عبدالحكيم
  • 001023130689
  • University Coordinator
  • أ . د / حسن أحمد يونس
  • 001093507155