Device information

  • Name: Tissuelyser
    Model: China
    Num of units: 1
  • Manufacture Year: 0000-00-00
    Manufacturer Website:
  • Description: The TissueLyser LT is a small bead mill which provides fast, effective disruption of up to 12 samples at the same time. This throughput matches that of the QIAcube, which automates sample preparation using trusted QIAGEN spin-column kits. The TissueLyser LT must be used in combination with the coolable TissueLyser LT Adapter, which holds tubes during the disruption process. Additional accessories include beads and bead dispensers.
  • Availability: available
  • Services

For more info and reservation contact:

  • Faculty Coordinator
  • Dr. Atallah mabrouk
  • atallah
  • 001229605279
  • University Coordinator
  • Dr.Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Bassouny
  • 01274643602