Device information

  • Name: Water bath
    Model: J.P. Selecta Precisterm PRECISTERM 5L.6000138 / 6000386
    Num of units: 1
  • Manufacture Year:
    Manufacturer Website:
  • Description:
  • Availability: available
  • Services
  • Additional Info: Before removing the cover disconnect the apparatus from the mains. *The control elements and heating elements must only be manipulated by authorized personnel.

For more info and reservation contact:

  • Lab Person
  • Ph. Heba Y. Raslan
  • 01000092088
  • Lab Person
  • Ph. Ahmed T. Abd ElRaheem
  • 01060382904
  • Faculty Coordinator
  • Sara abulmagd
  • 001022668578
  • University Coordinator
  • Prof. Heba Atia Yassa
  • 01001349209