standard penetration test
viscosity test
slump test
sieve analysis test
Marshall test
Proctor test
Permeability of soil test
Los Angeles abrasion test
Casagrande device
Spectrophotometer 0
multi parameter bench photometer
BOD Incubator (Bio-Oxygen Demand)
Multiparameter pH,mv,ms,µs,mg/L,ppt,%,ppm,oC
Turbidity meter TDS
Dissolved oxygen meter
Biological Microscope
Humidity meter
Gas meter detector extreme
Oven 1250 C
Test tube heater with 25 vial capacity
Multi-positions Hot Plate
Multi-magnetic stirrer
Hot plate magnetic stirrer thermo
Magnetic stirrer Overhead with heater
Stirrer Overhead
Dosing pump
Immersion thermostats
Electro thermal Distillation Water Vessel
Heating water bath
Fiac air compressor
Desktop Computer